Trains have long since been a symbol of efficient transportation, connecting people and goods across great distances. Ensuring the safety of rail infrastructure is paramount, especially in scenarios involving railway signaling systems. This is where frangible masts come into play, revolutionising railway safety. Frangible masts are reshaping the railway industry, making it safer and more reliable.

Train with railway signalsWhy do things need to change?

Railway signaling is the heart of railway operations. It involves the use of signals, lights, and communication systems to ensure the safe and efficient movement of trains. Traditional signaling masts and poles are typically rigid structures. These can pose significant safety risks and require high levels of maintenance. Frangible masts are the solution to this issue. They are engineered to break or deform upon impact. This offers the solution to many of the safety issues associated with current signaling structures.

How else can frangible masts benefit the railway industry?

As well as increasing safety significantly, frangible masts have many other benefits. They reduce disruption to services as they’re easier and quicker to repair or replace than traditional structures. This means fewer delays on the train lines. They are much more cost-effective in the long-term. Reduced maintenance, fewer repairs required, and less downtime all contribute to this. Frangible masts comply with worldwide safety regulations within railway safety authorities. These masts are highly recommended, or in some places the use of them is now compulsory. This is particularly the case in critical areas such as level crossings and switchyards. Frangible masts made from fibreglass (fiberglass) are far more environmentally friendly than the structures currently in use. This aligns with the railway industry’s growing emphasis on sustainability and reduced carbon footprint.

Where specifically can these masts be put to use?

Frangible masts have been successfully implemented in various railway applications. One example is on a busy railway intersection with multiple tracks and frequent train movements. Here the masts are used for signaling purposes, significantly enhancing the safety in the area. If a train were to accidentally collide with a frangible mast, the mast would simply break away. This would minimise damage and prevent a more severe accident.

Are frangible masts the way forward in the railway industry?

The railway industry is continuously evolving to meet the demands of safety, efficiency, and sustainability. Frangible masts are a major contributor in this transformation. They offer increased safety and reliability as an alternative to traditional structures. As railway networks continue to expand and modernise, the adoption of frangible masts will increase. These innovative structures are making railways safer, helping to keep trains on track, and ensuring passengers reach their destinations efficiently. In the railway industry, frangible masts are keeping things “on track” to a safer and more sustainable future.

Railway track

How can Pollite help you?

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