
Find out more about the frangible mast industry and projects we’ve undertaken in our dedicated blog.

How does frangibility improve safety in urban planning?

Safety is paramount, in all aspects of life. Frangibility is playing a part in so many areas of safety today. One of these...

How Pollite can provide the solution to your frangible structure project requirements

Every airport approach path is different and has its own unique set of design challenges. Pollite can work with you to design and...

Why is the frangibility of structures on airfields so important?

Frangibility refers to the ability of a structure or object to break or deform in a controlled manner upon impact. In aviation this...

What are windsocks and why are they important?

Windsocks are simple, conical textile tubes used to indicate the direction and approximate speed of the wind. They are typically placed at airports,...

The role of frangible masts in marine navigation

Navigating the vast expanses of our oceans presents a whole host of challenges. Safety is, of course, a primary concern. Among the numerous...

Custom design at Pollite: Innovative solutions for design challenges

Every airport approach path comes with its own set of design challenges. Sometimes standard products will not do the job and instead a...

Frangible mast installation in challenging environments

Frangible masts now play a crucial role in various industries, from aviation to communications, sporting structures to streetlights. In all of the areas...

The role of frangible masts in sustainable urban development

Sustainability is a huge talking point across the world. How can we make changes to our operations in order to protect the planet...

Frangible structures around airfields

Pollite provides a full range of frangible masts and structures to support visual and non-visual aids near runways and taxiways on airfields. All...

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