Every airport approach path is different and has its own unique set of design challenges. Pollite can work with you to design and manufacture frangible products that meet your exact requirements. Our design engineers have worked on some of the world’s most challenging projects and delivered innovative solutions.

Pollite are one of the largest manufacturers of fibreglass masts in Europe and are proud to have an international presence. We have worked on projects across Europe, Asia, South America, the Middle East and Australasia.

We have over 50 years’ experience in the manufacture of fibreglass and the design of frangible safety poles. Pollite are committed to producing only the highest quality products for your airfield. All our products, including custom builds, are manufactured in our custom-built facility in the North East of England.

Here is a selection of the projects we have worked on over recent years:

Runway approach masts at Bratislava Airport

Bratislava Airport, the largest airport in the Slovak Republic, welcomes around 2 million passengers each year. It features two perpendicular runways and Pollite provided approach masts for one of those: the category IIIA runway 13/31. This project involved a specific set up of lights. As every Pollite approach mast is made to measure we were able to achieve this. We supplied 16 of our 180mm diameter frangible glassfibre masts with cross arm for six lights. The monopole design allowed for the concealment of cables.

Bratislava approach masts

Ultra tall masts for Bazhong Airport

Pollite were awarded a number of contracts in China, with our partners SYT Siyuans Technologies. One of our projects was Bazhong Airport in Western China, roughly 300 km from the city of Chengdu. The challenging project included masts up to 20m, being installed in locations that were very difficult to access.

Internally-lit windsock masts at Wroclaw Airport in Poland

Copernicus Airport Wroclaw was built in 1938 for German military purposes. Pollite, working with Golland Systemy Lotniskowe, successfully delivered internally-lit windsocks to the growing airport. They featured the latest in LED technology and are installed on Pollite’s frangible masts. The new Wind Direction Indicators come with a 10-year guarantee on the mast and a 100,000hr warranty on the bulbs.

Custom-made structure in Verona

Pollite designed and fabricated approach lighting including a complex custom structure. This was for the refurbishment of the Tango runway at the Italian airport of Valerio Catullo in Verona-Villafranca. The client required an approach light to be positioned over a road. The structure needed to be in a nearby field behind a fence with the light itself reaching over the road.

Approach masts to endure harsh desert conditions

Pollite worked on a project to supply an airbase in the UAE with a new approach. We partnered with a reputable company on their contract to design, supply, install and commission visual aids for the project. We supplied the naval base with fibreglass approach masts for a full CAT I system. Pollite supplied fibreglass masts that are perfect for the desert conditions. This is because they are able to withstand temperatures of up to 50 degrees celsius, and are corrosion resistant. Their gel coating are able to endure harsh UV light without charging colour or fading.

Future growth for Tbilisi International Airport

Alongside OCEM Energy Technology, Pollite installed fibreglass approach masts at Tbilisi International Airport in Georgia. This was part of a project to upgrade the instrument landing system from CAT I to CAT II. With light heights of up to 16m, our innovative mid-hinge design was used. This allowed for easy installation and easy lowering for lamp maintenance. This upgrade allows landing in reduced visibility enabling future growth for the airport. Our fibreglass masts provide a lightweight, non-corrosive, low maintenance and non-conductive solution that complies with all ICAO and FAA requirements.

If you’re looking for a partner that is an expert in frangible structures, get in touch. We work with our clients across every aspect of the design and manufacturing process. We create bespoke engineered solutions and deliver masts that are world-class. Call us on 01325 355525 or email info@pollite.com.

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